Deputy Chief Edgar Van Horn – 52 Years of Service

The Dale City Volunteer Fire Department regrets to announce with great sadness the passing of Deputy Chief Edgar Van Horn.

Edgar was the longest serving active member with the department since joining in 1972. Ed was heavily involved in the growth of the department from the original fire station 10 to where we are today with 4 stations and 43 pieces of apparatus.

Through the years Ed held many operational positions within the department to include the longest serving Deputy Chief, was a member of the Board of Directors, and the house and grounds coordinator. He was involved in many committees with new station construction, apparatus purchases, equipment, fleet maintenance coordinator, bingo, etc. that helped with the department’s growth through the years.

In 2009 in appreciation to his years of service to the Dale City Volunteer Department and the community the new Fire Station 10 was dedicated in his name.

Ed’s time dedicated to the department may never be matched but he would do whatever it would take to make sure the Dale City Volunteer Fire Department would always remain “Second to None”

Written by
Nathalia Best
Updated on
March 12, 2024
Read time
2 min
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